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Bargain Game: How To Negotiate

Bargain Game: How To Negotiate

Regardless of occupation, industry, or career path, negotiation will be necessary at some point for everyone. Whether fighting for a better raise or trying to come to a favorable compromise, it’ll be necessary to convince someone of the validity of your opinion....
Self Improvement Then and Now

Self Improvement Then and Now

Starting in the 1980s and really picking up steam in the 90s and early 00s, the genre of self-help books and motivational speakers selling secrets to self-improvement took off as a multi-million dollar industry. People from all walks of life and from various...
7 Ways to Help Employees Reach their New Year’s Resolutions

7 Ways to Help Employees Reach their New Year’s Resolutions

If you are in charge of employees, you know how difficult it can be to get them to follow through on goals. This is especially true with New Year’s Resolutions. They are all inspired to get something done and then end up not following through. This coming year,...
Build Your Fitness Business on Instagram

Build Your Fitness Business on Instagram

In today’s digital age, Instagram is a business hot spot creating ample opportunities for increasing awareness and sales. Fitness professionals all over the globe are taking advantage of this opportunity to strengthen their business and truly market to their target...