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Take Your Gym Routine Outside This Summer

Take Your Gym Routine Outside This Summer

As the seasons change from winter to spring, to summer, so comes the opportunity to take our workouts back outside! At last, after running the treadmill like a hamster on a wheel for months you can get some fresh air. There are some things you will want to keep in...
The Importance of Physical Education

The Importance of Physical Education

Physical literacy is an extremely important component of any healthy lifestyle. With childhood obesity and depression on the rise, today’s educators find significant value in curriculum that incorporates physical education. In the midst of nation-wide budget...
How to Find the Right Workout Buddy

How to Find the Right Workout Buddy

Working out can be tough. Tough to start, tough to keep up with, tough to figure out exactly what to do… Some of the most common excuses for not exercising on the regular include: not having time lacking the energy and motivation not knowing what to do Getting a...
Keeping Employees Active During and After Work

Keeping Employees Active During and After Work

The average modern office is hardly a hotbed of frenzied activity. The ease at which work can be accomplished on a computer leads to an environment in which employees are not particularly active, and with so much time dedicated to career and other life considerations,...
Build Your Fitness Business on Instagram

Build Your Fitness Business on Instagram

In today’s digital age, Instagram is a business hot spot creating ample opportunities for increasing awareness and sales. Fitness professionals all over the globe are taking advantage of this opportunity to strengthen their business and truly market to their target...